Customizing the tags in the Orchard list shape

Orchard has shapes. And shapes are awesome. Pretty much anything that renders a list of content in Orchard uses the List shape. This shape basically takes a list of shapes and renders them. It does handy things like paging etc. It also renders items with html list markup, which makes sense, being a list and all. But what if you want to render items using Bootstraps grids? Turns out, this isn't a problem.

The list shape is rendered from a method in Orchard.Core.Shapes.CoreShapes#695. Methods decorated with the [Shape] attribute will be picked up by Orchard's shape harvester. This method lets you override the tag each content item will be rendered in. So let's say Model.ContentItems in our list shape that has been created by our controller or driver and we want to override this in our theme.

	Model.ContentItems.Tag = "div";
    Model.ContentItems.ItemTag = "div";


And now we should have a pretty list of items rendered in Bootstrap columns.